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Getting advice

When should I get more advice?

If you have a bleeding disorder or carry the gene, you may want to get further specialist advice about disclosure and applying for any of the above insurance products, and about legal aspects of disclosure in the workplace. If you would like to talk over these issues or get information, it may be useful to speak to the social workers or counsellors, or other health professionals at your Haemophilia Treatment Centre.  You can also contact your local Haemophilia Foundation, or Haemophilia Foundation Australia.  

For insurance issues, including superannuation and travel insurance, you might also consider going through an insurance broker who can apply on your behalf. If you apply yourself and are turned down on a product, this can count against you with other applications. For concerns about legal aspects of disclosure at work, including workplace discrimination, you may want to speak with a lawyer or your union representative. If issues arise you may be eligible for free legal assistance through Legal Aid. 

‘I didn’t see any need to tell them as it wasn’t going to affect my work.’ 

‘I told my current boss who knows I’m a carrier as she was asking if I knew about my son’s condition before he was born. She has been supportive and lets me have a phone in case I get called as I explained that if the hospital calls then I have to go.’  

‘I had to tell work as I had haemorrhaged and had to leave. I had to explain to my boss. However, she didn’t believe me and I lost my job over it.’

Apart from the exceptions listed previously, you are not required by law to tell future or current employers, teachers, landlords, or other service providers. If you do choose to tell an employer or service provider, by law they are not able to discriminate on the basis of your condition. For example, if a sporting club is worried about you injuring yourself they cannot use your condition as a reason for not allowing you to participate.  

If you would like more information about discrimination you can contact your state or territory Equal Opportunity or Human Rights Commission, or contact The Australian Human Rights Commission. You can also contact your Haemophilia Treatment Centre, local Haemophilia Foundation or Haemophilia Foundation Australia.

Date last reviewed: 27 September 2018

Important Note: This information was developed by Haemophilia Foundation Australia for education and information purposes only and does not replace advice from a treating health professional. Always see your health care provider for assessment and advice about your individual health before taking action or relying on published information. This information may be printed or photocopied for educational purposes.

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