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Disclosing and the law

When do I need to disclose that I have a bleeding disorder?

By law you don’t usually have to tell anyone about having a bleeding disorder or carrying the gene.

There are a few situations where you will be required to give this information if asked. These include:

  • Applying to join the Australian Defence Force or police force
  • Applying for insurance such as Life and Income Protection Insurance
  • Applying for superannuation
  • Applying for private health insurance
  • Applying for travel insurance
  • Traveling – you may be asked questions relating to your bleeding disorder by customs and security officers or other government officials
  • Applying for or continuing a job where your condition is likely to have a fundamental impact on your ability to do your work or may pose a risk to occupational health and safety.

If you are unsure whether you need to disclose your bleeding disorder it may be helpful to speak with your Haemophilia Treatment Centre (HTC).

If you do choose to tell an employer or service provider, by law they are not able to discriminate on the basis of your condition apart from the exceptions above.

If you need information on discrimination you can contact your state or territory Equal Opportunity or Human Rights Commission, or contact The Australian Human Rights Commission ( 

You can also contact your Haemophilia Treatment Centre, local Haemophilia Foundation or Haemophilia Foundation Australia.


Date last reviewed: 27 September 2018

Important Note: This information was developed by Haemophilia Foundation Australia for education and information purposes only and does not replace advice from a treating health professional. Always see your health care provider for assessment and advice about your individual health before taking action or relying on published information. This information may be printed or photocopied for educational purposes.

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