We are delighted that the Federal Minister for Health, The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, has announced today that emicizumab (Hemlibra®) will be publicly funded as a treatment for Australians with haemophilia.
Hemlibra® is a treatment that can reduce or stop bleeding in people with severe or moderate haemophilia A with and without inhibitors.
Gavin Finkelstein, HFA President, said, 'this is great news for our community. We are pleased all governments in Australia have agreed to fund their share of the costs of this treatment product for those in our community who need it'.
Minister Hunt said in his press release that regular supply of Hemlibra® is expected to be available by December 2020.

Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month 2024
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month starts today! For all of October, individuals, families, Haemophilia Foundations and other organisations will come together to raise awareness about haemophilia, von Willebrand disease and other rare bleeding disorders around Australia.