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Items tagged 'admin'

The importance of our camps for children and families cannot be underestimated. At these camps, children connect with others going…

David is an Australian community member. He spoke with Suzanne O’Callaghan from HFA about his experience of treatment with one…

Paul was diagnosed with hepatitis C as a teenager. After treatment with the new DAAs he has finally been cured….

Len Minty has moderate haemophilia and had chronic hepatitis C until he was cured this year. He estimates that he…

Simon is an Australian community member with haemophilia who has been cured of hepatitis C. He is an architect, the…

Curing hep C – a personal story Anthony McCarthy is an Australian community member with haemophilia A I’m glad to…

Mary Jane* is an Australian community member with von Willebrand disease (VWD). She spoke to HFA about her experiences with…

Gavin Finkelstein is President of Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA) and Haemophilia Foundation Western Australia (HFWA). He has severe haemophilia A….

For most people who were exposed to hepatitis C through their treatment products, the diagnosis experience was more than 30…

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